Take This Drink For 5 Nights Before Sleeping and You Won’t Have Abdominal Fat In a Few Days!


1.) Lean back and prop your upper body up on your elbows (your back should remain lifted), palms facing down. Brace your abs in tight and lift your legs into a 90-degree angle (knees should be touching), toes pointed.
2.) Slowly lower your legs over to the right (knees should stay together). Keeping the 90-degree angle, lower your legs & then lift them up to the left. That is one rep. Perform 20 reps.


1.) Sit with your legs slightly bent, feet flexed up, and hands just outside of your hips, fingertips facing forward. Draw your abs in tight and press down through your palms to lift your hips up off the ground a couple of inches.
2.) Focus on lifting your hips with your abs, only use your arms and legs to brace yourself. Fully extend your legs and try to push your hips backward. Hold for 2 seconds. Then bend your knees and return to the start position. That’s one rep. Perform 10 reps.
*wrist issues? perform this move on your knuckles, or lay back onto your elbows


1.) Begin in an elbow plank with your hands clasped, and feet about hip-width apart.
2.) Keeping your knees locked, walk your feet in towards your hands as far as you can until your hips end up in a high “pike” position. Slowly inch back out, reversing the way you walked in, until you return to the start.  That’s one rep.  Perform 10 reps.


1.) Begin in a full plank position, with your palms under your shoulders, feet together.

2.) Bend your left knee under you and across towards the inside of your right elbow (your hips should turn to the right and you’ll pivot slightly on the ball of your right foot). Slide your left leg back to the start position and then repeat to the right. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps.

*wrist issues? perform this move on your elbows


1.) Lie face-up with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle, feet off of the floor, with your knees pressed together. Place your hands underneath your hips, palms facing down.

2.) Inhale, straighten your legs (toes pointing to the ceiling), and lift your hips up off the ground.  Exhale and return your hips back down to the start. That’s one rep. Perform 30 reps.

Top 5 Favorite Ab Moves and Nutrition Tips for A Flat Tummy!
