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“7-Day Workout and Healthy Menu Plan“! 7 amazing workouts and 7 delicious, healthy recipes delivered daily right to your inbox! Eliminate guesswork and confusion and start seeing results.

Turkey Day is finally here! If you’re anything like me, your time is pretty strapped today. Between making your contribution to the meal, getting the kids all dressed and ready, packing the car, and driving to the big event – you’ve got a pretty packed day! Also if you’re like me then you’re planning on consuming a little more food today than your otherwise-pretty-tight diet really allows for! That being said, today I wanted to share one of my favorite quick indoor workouts that’s sure to shred calories and leave you a sweaty mess as a pre-emptive Thanksgiving strike! Here we go!

Warm up
Take a few laps up and down the stairs; some high-knees marching in place and some arm circles are also good).
Something to get the blood flowing!

Indoor Cardio Workout
