4 Exercises to Lift Your Boobs

4 Exercises to Lift Your Boobs

Nothing short of surgery or gaining body fat can actually increase the size of your breasts. As for making them look bigger, well, that's why the chunk of change we spend on bras each year is larger than the GDP of Iceland.

Push-ups and padding aren't your only options, though. "Developing the muscles underneath your breasts will enhance the look of your breasts and make them appear larger," says Jen Comas Keck, a certified personal trainer and former figure competitor.

The following workout was created by Comas Keck specifically for women. "Working the chest from multiple angles with enough weight ensures plenty of stimulus to increase strength and develop the muscles," she says. "This can add beautiful shape to the chest."

The key to making this plan effective: Make sure to choose weights that are heavy enough. You should feel like you could do about two more reps at the end of each set, but no more. "It’s important to challenge yourself with heavier weights in order for muscle growth to take place," says Comas Keck. Perform the following routine twice a week. More at .......

4 Exercises to Lift Your Boobs
