10 Body-Sculpting Ways to Use Your Stability Ball

10 Body-Sculpting Ways to Use Your Stability Ball

stability ball crunches
The stability ball can be bulky and take up a lot of space, but it is so worth it to have one as part of your home gym. The stability ball is a great piece of equipment because it is so versatile! You can even use it as an office chair, because sitting on a stability ball while typing or working at your desk is a great way to improve your posture. It also works your legs and core by forcing you to constantly stabilize yourself so you don’t go rolling all around the room!

You can even incorporate your baby into your stability ball workout! Sitting on a stability ball, gently bounce up and down while holding onto your baby. This will really help to calm your little one, and you’ll get a mini leg workout at the same time.

10 Body-Sculpting Ways to Use Your Stability Ball
