15 Habits of People Who Have Lost 20 -30lbs and Kept it Off

15 Habits of People Who Have Lost 20 -30lbs and Kept it Off

A few weeks ago I rediscovered the book 7 habits of highly effective people. I am sure you heard of this book considering it has been around forever. Anyways, I did not read the book again but the title did get me thinking.
What are the habits of people who have effectively lost over 20 – 30lbs and sustained that weight loss?
The key part of that sentence is sustained that weight loss. As someone who has lost over 30 pounds I can tell you that losing weight in my opinion is easy compared to sustaining it.  But I have sustained my weight loss for over 3 years now. I know what I do and I write all about here on my blog. But I was curious what other people do or have done to sustain their weight loss. So I decided to ask this question on the Organize Yourself Skinny Facebook Page.  125 of you responded and gave some great responses.

15 Healthy Habits of People Who Have Lost Weight
