30 Dumbbell Exercises Missing From Your Routine

30 Dumbbell Exercises Missing From Your Routine

If a workout consists of popping a squat on the 50-pound dumbbell to chat it up with friends, it may be time try something new. Dumbbell exercises provide a great full-body workout in a compact amount of space. Yes, we said great workout—not just a few decent arm exercises. Read on to de-zombify that workout routine with 30 killer new dumbbell exercises.

Full Body

1. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: This deadlift variety is sure to please the hamstrings (or punish them). Standing with feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward, and dumbbells at your side, shift the hips back and slightly bend the knees as you lower the dumbbells toward the floor (keep them angled on the outside of your legs). Maintain a neutral spine while lowering the weight just until you feel a good stretch in the hamstrings. Come back up to standing, making sure to contract those glutes and hamstrings on the way up. That’s one! See mote at ......

30 Dumbbell Exercises Missing From Your Routine
